The Gates to My Heart
I flung open the gates to my heart
To allow spring in, and myself…
To welcome spring in and let its gentle breezes air and freshen forgotten corners of my being and clear the dust of time
To feel its warmth and brightness infuse and expand hidden inner spaces within me
To create new and uncluttered room on the canvas of my life for more layers of myself that have yet to be
And, to release the pull of what was and surrender to unknown possibilities that may just come to be
I flung open the gates to my heart so I may step out of myself and follow the cheerful chorus of songbirds and the brilliance of sun rays to undiscovered new vistas of love, life, and being
So I may journey well beyond old thoughts, patterns, emotions, and dreams in anticipation of new ones
And, so I may gift myself the clarity and focus of a wider perspective with which to better observe and
ponder all the various aspects of myself and discover the treasures hidden within each one
My Journey To Myself
I went on silent, solitary walks in forgotten paths of my mind and in neglected corners of my heart, because only I can find my way in those faraway lands…
And, I stumbled upon my spirit…
I listened to the silent voice that often whispers and, at times, screams inside my soul, because I am its only intended audience… And, I learned to discern words unspoken, and hear the meaning hidden in the spaces between them…
I burrowed into myself, patiently kissing and caressing my deepest wounds, because no one else has the ability to heal them… And, I unearthed the depth of my wisdom…
I lost my way in pain and sorrow, in long gone yesterdays and yet to be tomorrows; in disappointments and unfinished thoughts, misunderstandings, and life battles bravely fought;
in favorite sights and cherished melodies, loves, friendships, and indelible memories…
I lost my way, but discovered myself…
In my fears I found MY STRENGTH
In my longings I found MY TRUTH
In the silence I found MY VOICE
Through the darkness I found MY LIGHT
לב קל כנוצה
לב קל כנוצה
זה מה שאני מאד רוצה
ועד שאותו אמצא
פשוט לא אהיה מרוצה
בלב מובן וחופשי
חשקה נפשי
ברוגע, שקט, ושלווה
ובאין סוף אהבה
רוצה למצוא את האמת שלי
ולנצח במלחמת קיומי הפנימי
לדעת לעומק את עצמי
ולאהוב, ללא סוף, את האני