narratives are dangerous
they will drag you down endlessly
once they get a hold of you, they won’t let go
the minuet you step in you are a hostage and even though they promise
they never end
they spit you out and swallow you again
sucking your life force to light them up
making promises they will never keep
they may give you hope for a better tomorrow but tomorrow is always a day away
that is their strategy
to drag you one day at a time for eternity
a good narrative is like a binding dark spell
but comes a time when the soul gives up on hope
its fatigue is too deep to travel even one more day
so she lets go
and when she does
all that is left is the present
it is far from glorious
it is simply what it is
there is no comfort
but there is truth
bare and demystified
the soul may not feel happy at that moment
but unbound and even neglected, a new light begins to shine from within
a light of grace surrendering humbly to its essence to move on into the unknown
unsupported by a narrative
faith must be born
24 לנובמבר, 2023